Praise Report: St. Joseph Novena, Angels and More

Christine Arata
3 min readJan 23, 2023
three archangels Gabriel, Michel and Raphael fly in night dream art illustration
Valery Rybakow / Shutterstock

I’ve been praying the St. Joseph Novena since January 15th. It’s not about magic. It’s about faith. It’s about miracles from God.

Note: “Succinctly, a novena is a nine-day period of private or public prayer to obtain special graces, to implore special favors, or make special petitions.”

On Saturday, January 21st, I was in a crosswalk crossing the street to go to a market on the other side. It was clear for me to walk, green light/walk signal. Mid-crosswalk I saw to my left a car barreling fast toward me, turning to its left onto the street I was on. The driver was looking to his right, apparently to see if that was clear for his turn. I couldn’t move any faster or froze. I just kept my eyes on the driver to see if he would turn his head and see me.

At almost the last minute, he did see me and swerved to a stop behind me. I was just barely safe, but I let out an extremely loud gutteral scream from both fright and relief. But also one that meant, “Enough already! No more trauma!” (I’ve been through a lot these past many years.) It was an intense enough yell to expel a demon, which I think also happened. I think the frightening threat scared off a demon. Maybe it was a demon inside me that screamed from fright. If so, the demon got scared and left me. The scream was just too unusual and unlike me to do.

